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Check out what people are saying about Pastel Getaways

Photos and descriptions only tell part of the story - it's the testimonials from our guests that give future visitors the complete picture of what a stay with Pastel Getaways is like.  See some of our reviews below to get a feel for what prior guests have to say about their visit at our bayside villas.  We strive to make every guest's stay a 5 STAR experience!

We have earned our guests' trust time and time again, year-over-year!

Courtney and Lindi are the only hosts you will work with - we don't make guests call a central number to sit in a queue for the next representative, and guests and owners have our direct phone numbers and are welcome to reach out any time and they'll get a response from us, not a bot or AI. We like to get to know our guests a bit, and we have a good time helping them plan their vacations and talk about where to take the kids or make a reservation for a nice anniversary dinner.  The details of your trip are important to you, and they're important to us!

What's the best way to get a feel for how we host our guests before you book?  We have hundreds of reviews, and we never ask for a review (we think it's tacky!). What people say in the reviews is unsolicited and is about us, Courtney and Lindi, the only hosts our guests have ever known.  When you book with us, there will be no surprises about who your host is going to be. The people you read about here, and on the booking platforms, are the people you will get to know before your stay even begins!  We're all about the personal touch at Pastel Getaways!

To view reviews for each current property, please visit their pages under "The Villas" in the main menu or you can find them all, per property, on our Houfy listings page


For the two properties we started out with many years ago but have since gone in different directions, their reviews are still relevant because they're about US, your hosts. We want future owners and guests to see for themselves what people are saying, and have said, about ALL of the stays we've hosted.  The reviews for past properties are posted below.  Be prepared, we have over 130 reviews for just the two properties from the original days! 

"Miramar Star" was our very first property and was purchased by us, the owners of Pastel Getaways, in October, 2018.  The condo was adorable and because it rented so well, we kept her as-is and only changed things that needed to be changed (like the master bathroom remodel). Guests loved "the Star" and came back regularly for over 2 years.  We decided to sell "Miramar Star" in February 2021, but kept her under our management until November 1, 2023. We had 5 great years with her and so did our guests!  During the 5 years we managed "Miramar Star," her average star rating was 4.98 stars across 131 reviews - WOW! You can find all of her reviews here, and many of them in the slideshow below.

We've been in this business for over five years now, still personally hosting every single guest at each property. We take hosting seriously and want your vacation to be the best it can be!  To make that happen, Courtney and Lindi have worked carefully to create a seamless guest experience from one property to the next so that when you rebook and choose to stay at another one of our properties, you know you'll have the same guest experience as the one you had before.  We only provide plush and absorbent bath towels, fluffy pillows, name-brand detergents and paper products, smart TV's, and we wash quilts and shams EVERY SINGLE TURN, unlike other management companies. We do it right, so that our guests keep wanting to come back!

"Bay Dreamin'" was the first property we managed that we did not personally own.  We managed her for a little over a year and acquired 30 reviews, averaging 4.97 stars!  Many of "Bay Dreamin's" guests continue to stay with us today, they've just moved to other properties on our program.  You can find her reviews right here:

Pastel Getaways, LLC, is an independent vacation rental property management company representing properties in Miramar Beach, Florida. SANDESTIN® is a federally-registered trademark owned by Sandestin Investments, LLC. Pastel Getaways, LLC is not affiliated with, sponsored by, or associated with Sandestin Investments, LLC or the SANDESTIN® brand. Any use or reference to the SANDESTIN® brand is meant to identify the geographical location of a property on a factual basis only, and not to suggest an affiliation with Sandestin Investments, LLC.

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